If you are familiar with Peter Lik, the photographer, you’ll know he has built a huge brand based on his top quality nature shots.

He’s really come a long way from his early days of selling postcards of his images in gift shops in Australia.

But his organization is letting him down!

There are really only two steps to successful email marketing.

One:  Collect email addresses.

Two:  Send emails.

Seems simple right?

My wife and I dropped by the Peter Lik gallery in San Diego a few months back.  I noticed a guest book register at the front door and it was asking for email addresses.  I thought this would make for some good advice for Gallery owners so I took a quick shot of his request.

It’s pretty simple, but effective.



I suggest this often.  If you want to collect email addresses just ask.

If there are two Galleries on the same block, one does this and the other doesn’t, a year from now, one art gallery will have an opening full of visitors, the other, not so much.


It’s been a few months and I haven’t received a single email.  Not one.

I haven’t;

– been thanked for signing up

– been recognized as potentially a Peter Lik fan (which I am)

– been given a chance to learn more about recent events

– been reminded to catch his show on Discovery Channel

– been offered a chance to get on the special collectors list

– been offered to buy anything!

What would you do differently if you went through the effort to collect email addresses?

That’s right.  You’d send some emails!  Or hire us to send them for you!!