I think an email autoresponder is probably the biggest secret weapon in the email marketing arsenal.

An email autoresponder isn’t a complicated thing.  It works like this.

1.  Something happens.  Like someone signs up for your newsletter.

2.  An email automatically gets sent.

3.  Other emails follow to a predetermined timeline.

Here’s a simple method for generating additional leads and sales.

Let’s say you offer a free report on your website.  Your visitor simply has to sign up and leave their email address.

1.  Send an immediate email with clear instructions on how to ensure the report gets delivered.  If they need to download Adobe Acrobat make sure you give them a link.  If they need to check their inbox for a confirmation email, let them know the exact steps that will happen.

2.  Send your next email within the next 24 hours.  Simply make sure they received the download or report link successfully.  This will do three things.  It will show them you value the report.  It will remind them to read the report. It will remind them who you are.

I have to admit I have a few, as yet unread, reports on my desktop right now.

3.  Send your next email in about 3 days.  In this email,  remind them of the value of the report (use benefits) and point them to a specific chapter.   Tell them what to expect when they read that chapter.  Quote a customer case study from someone who followed the advice in that chapter and the results they achieved.

4.  Send your next email about 5 to 7 days after that.  This email is the piviotal one.  Do not at this point offer to sell them something!   Most of you will be tempted.  At this point, you need to continue to give something of value.  These days many companies have great blog content that could be useful to someone who is interested in your report content.  Highlight a few posts and link to them.  You still have to give before you get.

5.  Send your next email 7 days after that.  Here you are almost familiar to the reader.  You might tell the story of your company and how it delivers the benefits your offer your clients.  You could show a testimonial or two.  You could highlight what your company does which is different than others.  You should keep this email (like the others) short.  Don’t write a book here.

6.  Send your next email 7 to 14 days after that.  This middle part can continue on the path of the past few messages.  Give, give, give.  You are trying to earn the right to engage in a more meaninful sales conversation.

7.  Nearing the end of this series.  You should now be ready to send a message to offer to engage in a phone conversation to do a review or needs assessment or whatever method you use to start a sales process.  Let them come to you.  Alternatively you can offer a follow on report that might have some very ‘exclusive’ content that they can only get via another sign up.

Those people that sign up for this content are becoming very qualified and deserve contact from a sales rep.

The real value of an email autoresponder like this is that once you have this series set up you just have to monitor the email statistics and see which messages are most read and which links are most clicked on and you’ll be able to adjust accordingly.

Make sure you use email autoresponders to support your B2B sales process.  You’ll generate more sales.