Amy Porterfield is a Facebook marketing pro… but she is using email VERY effectively in the promotion of her own products and services.

Let’s take a look.

This blog post might be a bit on the longish side but you’ll see how important email marketing is even to the top social media pros.

What does that tell you?

So let’s go to

See if you can spot the email marketing usage quickly.


Hopefully you saw what I saw.  The single most important feature on the top of the page, in the best real estate, is her email capture form.  It’s not on the side.  It’s not below the fold.  It’s front and center.   This is a best practice.

On top of that, you’ll see (in a few seconds) that she also uses a pop up.  I know you hate them but I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see a lift of 30% in registrations from this feature.  This is a best practice.  Here’s the pop up.


(Don’t forget to take note of the benefits listed in both places to encourage you to sign up… this is a best practice)

I often talk about the Thank You Page and this one is really good.  The Thank You Page is where you are directed to AFTER you fill in the form.  Most people don’t do this well.  They send you back to the home page or they leave you hanging or they send you to a very lame Thank You Page.

This one is great.


Three things that make this page effective (you should use these too!)

1.  The opening sentence tells you to check your email for “some cool Facebook freebies”.

2.  A video explains what you should do next.

3.  There are more benefits listed to tell you WHY you should attend this webinar.

Over one year how much difference do you think it makes to have a webinar registration page as a Thank You Page vs a typical Thank You.

I went to check my inbox.  What do you think happened next?


Well, you can’t win them all.  You really don’t have control over what will grab your message and toss it in the spam folder!

I can’t remember but on the Thank You Page it might make sense to add a small reminder to tell people to check their spam folder in case the email with “some cool Facebook freebies” ended up there.


You’ll notice the from email address is  Generally I prefer to use a more personal email address.  It only takes a moment to create a special email address that is more personal.  Then make sure you monitor it for replies.  People WILL respond to your emails.  (Don’t be so surprised.  That’s why you send them after all)