One of the big challenges I hear from potential clients is that they are worried they don’t a big enough email list to have an impact on their business.

It’s true that if you don’t have a list now, you should be working hard to get one. If I had a restaurant I would sure keep an eye on which of my local competitors are on the email bandwagon.

I dropped by a local pub/restaurant last week and noticed something at the bottom of the bill.  Take a look at the offer. It’s pretty clear they are making an effort to motivate you to join their list.



But wait until you check out their website.  It’s clear where they have set their priorities.  Build the list!



Now let’s say you have a restaurant nearby and serve the same demographic.  One year from now they will be able to fill a quiet Tuesday night with an email-specific event or offer.  How will you respond?

Without a list your options are limited.

Now when you think about building your list, start to get creative and spend some time to get it right!

Next year you’ll be happy you did.