HubSpot provides an integrated platform that allows you to develop content related to your target market, get it widely distributed, and convert web traffic into sales.

screen_shot_2010-06-04_at_10-12-13_amHubSpot has successfully done three things to ensure your success.

1.  They have built an integrated platform to allow you to simply and easily create in-demand content, publish and distribute it, and create and nurture leads to create new sales.  The platform works . . . period.  What I love is that a company this size uses it’s own software to ensure their own lead generation success.

2.  The HubSpot methodology.  Even more importantly I think, than the software is their proven methodology.  Follow the five steps and you will get results.  How often do you find a tool that is impossible to figure out and you never quite implement it properly. Not with HubSpot.  The methodology is well defined and quite simply . . it works.

3.  Lastly.  They have the best people. That means their sales, customer support, and training people are good.  They are also out there.  They are blogging, tweeting, facebooking and posting in user forums to spread the word and help their customers.  Boston Business Journal names HubSpot a Best Place to Work.

What Can a HubSpot Expert Do For Your Business?

So what’s the catch?  The catch is . . . using HubSpot effectively takes work and it takes skill.

hsc_pro125You’ll need to invest time to do research to select the correct online market, write the relevant content and promote the heck out of it in the right places.

You could use a HubSpot expert to help you with three things.

1.  Writing content and copy.  One key to success using HubSpot is the need for content.  People search the web to find information, solve problems, or learn things.  These days a successful web strategy is based on providing this content whether it is articles, blog posts, tweets, case studies, videos, podcasts or anything you can publish these days.  A HubSpot expert can help you by writing this copy for you.  You can stay focused on what you do best, running your business and servicing your customers.

2.  Designing proven lead conversion campaigns.  What is your sales process?  How do you ‘convert strangers into friends and friends into customers’ (Seth Godin) in your business? Take a look at your lead conversion statistics.  If you can convert 1% of visitors to leads, what would be the impact of now converting at 2% or 3%?

A HubSpot expert can get you there.  Test, measure, tweak, repeat.

3.  Build out a winning lead nurturing process.  You’ll find that visitors that arrive on your site and engage with you in some way are POTENTIAL customers.  Some of these potential customers will find you but won’t be quite ready to do business with you right away. They take some nurturing to bring them along your sales process.  Writing an email sequence to build this relationship and earn trust is another way a HubSpot expert can help you.

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