Sometimes you might not know all the ways an email marketing consultant could help improve your email campaigns.

Usually, that means knowing what you are after but if you’re not sure how an email marketing consultant can help you here are six pointers to get you pointed in the right direction.

Six Tactics to Use an Email Marketing Consultant in Your Business.

1. Get you set up. It takes time to pick your email software, plan your campaigns, and design your email templates. An expert can do the set up much faster and have you hit the ground running!

2. Analyze your current campaigns. If you’ve been sending email campaigns for any amount of time you’ll have some statistics which can provide some insight into future campaigns. A consultant can analyze how you’re doing email marketing and provide recommendations for improvement.

3. Write some world class copy. The top email campaigns all share one thing–clear and compelling copy. You may have all the technical pieces working correctly but without good copy your emails may not be as effective as they could be. An email consultant who writes good copy can really supercharge your results.

4. Make sure you’re using autoresponders. We don’t see many companies using autoresponders properly, if at all. An email expert can ensure you’re using autoresponders to build better customer relationships.

5. Get you going on advanced features. If you’re not doing split testing, list segmentation, campaign tracking and personalization you are missing out on email strategies that can soon separate you from your competition. Get an email expert to take you to the next level.

6. Outsource email marketing. If you would rather spend your time running your company instead of formatting email newsletters, you can outsource your email marketing–to email consultants like us! ZinMarketing works with small businesses to run their email campaigns.

We do the work so you don’t have to. We’ll create good strategy, design the emails, write winning copy, set up and send the messages, and give you reports on the results.

Email marketing is our passion and we love being an email marketing consultant for companies in different industries.