What a great headline!  This story has been circulating over the web this morning and I had to chime in and provide my own headline.

screen_shot_2010-06-18_at_7-38-39_amIt reads, Facebook COO misses the point.

As a professional marketing agency, one who provides email marketing services for my clients, email usage plays a critical role in our work.

Email Marketing is Dead

I’ve heard this prediction many times in the past 10 years.  It wasn’t too long ago that RSS was slated to eliminate that pesky email from our lives. Five years later, RSS has a role to play but email usage is still way up there.

Email is just a channel.

If you step back from the email debate a moment and look at the role email plays for marketing purposes you soon see that email is just one method to reach an audience.  Tradeshows, direct mail, postcards, inserts, telemarketing are all under attack.

The thinking here is Facebook is about to displace email as a viable communication channel.  I think that Facebook is already having an effect on email usage.

Email campaigns are much stronger when you also post your content on your Facebook fan page, and publish it in your blog, and tweet it.

That doesn’t mean email is going away, it means how you use it is changing.

See the Facebook COO speach here>

See how ZinMarketing does email here>