Have you ever been stuck in a rut?

Perhaps you send a monthly email newsletter or perhaps you send out a weekly promotion or perhaps you create a new marketing campaign each month?

How long before you find yourself making tweaks to an old campaign and not daring to invent an entirely new campaign?

That’s when you know you’re stuck in a rut.

But that is exactly the time when you HAVE to create something new..something daring…something different.

It’s also the hardest time to try a new approach.  What happens if you get it wrong and the new campaign fails?  Your results won’t be as good as you have become accustomed to.  What if you try again and it fails a second time?  How hard do you try before you go back to safe ground?

This is the single hardest thing to do in email marketing…heck in any style of marketing.

Here’s what you do.  First, you allow yourself to fail.  You know that the only way to a true breakthrough in your results is to swing for the fence.  You let your team or email consultant know you won’t fire them for trying.

Second, you set up a plan that allows for you to insert these new campaigns into your email calendar.  Every three months for instance, you plan something new, something risky.

That way you’ll have a chance to gain from a new breakthrough email campaign without fear of losing everything you’ve gained to this point.

email marketing campaigns