First, you have to use Vertical Response for your email marketing service. Then, you have to realize that you want to do more with your email marketing. You want to send more often, write better promotions, create a stunning newsletter, and generally not feel like you should be doing something other than trying to write […]
Tag: Email Strategy
Build Your Email Marketing List FAST!
Your email marketing list is one of the keys to success for email marketing but many companies don’t know how to go about creating their in-house list. If you do these five things you’ll soon find you have an email marketing list of eager buyers and prospects that will flood your business with new orders. […]
The Truth About Hubspot Email Marketing.
Somewhere on the web, sometime last year I came across a company called Hubspot. They enticed me to give up my email address with a report of some sort (I don’t remember which) and I started to receive various and sundry emails from them. You know what it’s like. Your inbox is full, you are […]
Five Reasons Internet Marketing is like Fishing.
I was thinking the other day, what might make a good metaphor for web marketing and for some reason fishing came into my mind. The more I thought about it and tested the idea, the better I liked it.
Wall Drug Store and Email Marketing Strategies
If you’ve ever driven across the Midwest on I-90 you’ll know the name of Wall Drug Store in Wall, South Dakota.
What Could You Do With An Aweber Expert?
It seems pretty straightforward that an Aweber expert could help you but there might be some important email marketing strategies you’re not using because you are new to Aweber or you haven’t had time to use it to its full potential. I’m a big fan of Aweber myself. It was the first auto responder system […]
Permission Marketing – Still True After 11 Years!
It’s hard to believe that Permission Marketing by Seth Godin was published in 1999–over 11 years ago.
What Should You Expect From Your Email Consultants?
Email consultants come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small one man shops and some are a team inside of a big media firm. And these days you’ll find most all companies have good testimonials.
Three Ways to Grow Your Business With Online Email Marketing.
“There are three ways and three ways only to grow your business.” I can hear these words as if they were told to me yesterday.
A Few Thoughts on Email Performance.
I’ve just finished reading a few posts from Scott Adams’ (Dilbert) blog and I’m still smiling. How does one guy see the world so clearly?